How was your Holiday?coment what you had.😁


How was your Holiday?coment what you had.😁

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hi I am Rylee’s sister
hi, thanks for the follow :)
r u laynee
Yes am you are right
Ya no problem
why is your username like mine?
Mine was good! How was yours?
Because it can it is my username and you can not make me change it
how did you get my icon picture?
why are you copying me
I am not
yes you are, you have the same icon pic as me and I just changed it. and you copied my username
no I am not stop saying that
and I am not going to change it
and what are you going to do about it huh what are you going to do?so stop saying I am copying you
Lana just please stop
who is baby?
wait who are you? ?? why are you copying other peoples accounts. and, don’t tell me what to do, please.
i do not get what you mean and I am not copying so please stop
and u I am not telling you what to do
and I thought of this name
so you stop telling me what to do
really navies someone else has this username, and you told me to be quiet so you did tell me what to do
wait did she really tell her that?
hi πŸ‘‹
hey guys you should really stop picking on each other
we are not anymore
I mean yass