We are all on 


We are all on πŸ˜ŠπŸ€˜πŸ½πŸ€—πŸ€‘

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Hey Im Rachel
hey who am i talking to btw?☺️
I'm Justin πŸ˜„
oh okay hey Justin so tell me about urself
I'm really sorry I have basketball practice can we talk later?
yh couse okay talk later
hey Britt:( long time no talk
hey u ok?
been really depressed lately
πŸ˜ͺ...... cuz I realized I still have little feeling for my ex from last year and I thought I moved on but I haven't cuz my head says I've moved on and my heart wants too take back time too be with her again😭...... and my mom and dad are planning on divorcing and I've been thinking of cutting I've going throw some stuff and my Friends mom died her mom was like a mom too me and I'm losing a lot of ppl in my life😭
that's what's wrong
I'm so sorry!!!! don't cut!! I'm sorry!!
it's fine
I'm gonna try not too 9 months clean
it's hard