Jungle book edit! Saw this movie this weekend- definitely recommend it πŸ˜ŠπŸƒ


Jungle book edit! Saw this movie this weekend- definitely recommend it πŸ˜ŠπŸƒ

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oh I wanted to c it so badly πŸƒπŸƒπŸƒ
I LOVE THAT MOVIE!!!!!! definitely one of my favorites.
I'd have to say coffee though I shouldn't really drink it but yup coffee
Haven't seen it yet, but I want to. My cousins did & said it was great. The Books of Bayern series was one of the first medieval fantasy series that I read that made me love this genre. I highly recommend them, & I love Shannon Hale! The Princess Academy Trilogy will always have a special place in my heartπŸ’–πŸ˜Š
I'm kinda scared to see it... the commercials looked freaky!πŸ˜¬πŸ˜‚ but if you recommend it I might see it...
ps: love this collage!!!πŸ’•
I want to see this movie.
Yayy 100th like :)
Amazing film and edit😍😍