Anyone want to chat


Anyone want to chat

3 2
lily, Evan made me mad
I remixed it. this made me mad
oh that jack aśs
yes can you tell Liam plz what he did
oh ok but he's not on
ha Liam is the best
Liam is the best and u are too
ah thanks Olivia
if you have seen mine and Liam's rps....
ur welcome
Natasha deleted pic collage
why? again? why?
no should I
nooooo nooooo
why can't I
she got annoyed
oh ok and because... welll... Liam can GET kind of dirty
omg 😂
full make out sessions 😂😂😂😂😂
which one is it on the talking thing
what do you mean
what thing did you guys talk on
half Evans account half his account (if you look on Evans account first then just know it is liam and me not Evan and me)
which post
the one with 100 more comments on both accounts