~Please Click and read~
Adopt us Made this ride comment The girl is not ugly in anyway her acc is baller for life follow her But adopt us is rude and a hater so UNfollow her  if u do as she is a bad infleance to kids 


~Please Click and read~ Adopt us Made this ride comment The girl is not ugly in anyway her acc is baller for life follow her But adopt us is rude and a hater so UNfollow her if u do as she is a bad infleance to kids Thx Maddie&Sophie Xxx

12 1
that's not me
Soz I thought it Was I apologise deeply😰
that's is a picture of me and adopt us is being really mean to me
Yeah I thought it was u Soz guys
thanks for completing me though😘
No Prob😂😘❤️