Let me travel here and there~! 

#sexymen #hetalia #anime #cosplay #aphcharacters #aphamerica #aphJapan #aphPrussia #aphSwitzerland #aphRomano #aphGermany


Let me travel here and there~! #sexymen #hetalia #anime #cosplay #aphcharacters #aphamerica #aphJapan #aphPrussia #aphSwitzerland #aphRomano #aphGermany

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hallo I am ze awesome Prussia
'Ello there Prussia~! I'm 2p!Female!England. *giggles* How are you today~? Besides Awesome~?
im Gute. und awesome. Vhat I'm kinda nervous. Germany is acting like Italy 0-0
Oh, No! Wait, I have a question!
*holds out to you a cupcake* Are we friends? Oh, its German Chocolate Cake... and the frost has a... lot of beer in it. *smiles* Hehe.
0.0 Ja ve are friends *takes the cupcake and takes a bite of it* mmm it's Gute
*smiles* I am a cook~! I'm not like that... 1p! Jerk! *smiles* Anyways....~?
Ludwig has told me that you have amazing stories. May I please hear one~?
Vell I am awesome und I do have awesome stories...are zere any in particular?
The Awesome Knight!
oh, so you can't to know about ven I vas ze Teutonic Knight?
Oh course! *sits down on the ground/floor like a lady* I know what happened.
if you know vat happened zen vy do I need to tell you ze story *i smile and laugh*
I... Germany might have lied. *blushes and laughs slightly* But, I want to hear from you. *pats the ground beside me*