Hey guys I've made another account called Tayla_Books for book recommendations. I will still be mainly posting on this account but I'd like to post recommendations so I've made another account for just recommendations, and I would like to have some follow


Hey guys I've made another account called Tayla_Books for book recommendations. I will still be mainly posting on this account but I'd like to post recommendations so I've made another account for just recommendations, and I would like to have some follow

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could you PLEASEEE read the FunJungle series!! That is my FAVORITTEEE series!! 😄💕😆👏🏼It's great, believe me😉
speaking of good books…the French girl series is really good!!!! I'm hooked!!!!
nice! I'll follow in a séx
sec ohmygod I'm so sorry autocorrect
I couldn't find it could you comment with it?
ok it's if you see this comment I'm on the account now and I will read those books