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hej (thats hey in swedish)
that's nice. Who would you rather date, Dan or Phil?
Idk....i kinda the appearance of Dan and personality like Phil
I would date both of them at different times but end up with Phil
idek I adore them both
hi. sorry, I was busy
its ok😋 i was sleeping
ok. wryd
waiting in line at a trampoline place.....ITS SO LONG
I used to be this username
cool...how youve been?
bad, as usual
😞...why? u ok?
it's a usual thing, I never smile or laugh, my emotions: sad, depressed, or pïssed off
what? I don't bombard people with my problems unless they want to know the story, and I'm saying on my opinion, you don't want to
im sorry you feel that way😞 anyway i can help?
nah. I just like talking to people