youblitheringidiot is typing...

I was really sad to hear that Robert Hardy (who played Cornelius Fudge) has passed away. Rest in peace🖤


youblitheringidiot is typing... I was really sad to hear that Robert Hardy (who played Cornelius Fudge) has passed away. Rest in peace🖤

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i was sad for the actor but i hated fudge
and this is really good!❤️❤️
AWW i'll miss him
this is amazing!!
Yeah you can drop out but can you get someone to replace you so the teams will still be equal. Btw I know I haven't stated this but rounds will only be posted weekly not every few days, just once a week. 🖤
for your games,I'm on the Joe team,can I use his clothing brand as the theme?
it's also kind of his merch,but I thought it would fit the theme
Round Four is out! Go check this on my account!😊💕
i just finished my entry for round 5 but it's not my team celebrity AA
ah no worries! i just tweaked it to be Troye instead🤗
ah that is so sad, he was a great actor😔✨
also @ ur bio, I'm half slytherin half ravenclaw ahah so I never rlly know what exactly to tell people when they ask me what house I'm in haha, also this edit is rlly nice, you have a rlly cool account