I would like for at least a hundred followers before I follow any of you and fifty likes on each of my posts before I post a new collage. Thx!


I would like for at least a hundred followers before I follow any of you and fifty likes on each of my posts before I post a new collage. Thx!

12 0
I can forgive you, but why were you so rude to us earlier?
and I think i was rude because our school bully really got to me
she pulled my best friends away from me and spread that terrible rumor!
r u okay?
and I forgive you for your terrible collage about me😬😂
sorry PineappleBoca
to Abby i mean
I didn't know
r u serious Nora? I did not bully her!
well we kinda said mean stiff bout each other...
Just because you're getting bullied in real life doesn't mean you can become a bully yourself. Maybe talk to a school counselor or a trusted teacher or grownup? That seems terrible!
i wasnt a bully myself; how can i tell a school councilor? i mean, its been going on for the last months
You can just tell them that there's someone bullying you for a couple months.
I can't....😞
other people will make fun and i just moved to this school
Aww, sorry this is happening to you :(
ya but my life is like a disaster.
goodness sakes i have PC
sorry eightshellie I'm really confused right now. but whatever happens I'll always be behind u
thank you😎
aw el... I didn't know that was happening 🙂are you ok? just so you know if you ever need ANYTHING or anyone to talk to I'm here
but I can't really do anything for you except for talk and post collages so.......
ok thanks
I love this!!!!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
i do too!
50 likes is a lot
im aiming a goal here