People say equestrian is easy.Well think again.To trust a 200 pound animal.To trust an animal with a mind of its own and instincts.To risk getting seriously injured for a medal.To think you got it when something goes wrong.Still think it's easy.Well think


People say equestrian is easy.Well think again.To trust a 200 pound animal.To trust an animal with a mind of its own and instincts.To risk getting seriously injured for a medal.To think you got it when something goes wrong.Still think it's easy.Well think

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that is very true I ride and have a pony of my own
very true
that is so true🐴🐴🐴
so true
so true and I know bc I have been doing both western and English for 5 years
That's so true. Someone else also knows.😊❤️🐴