Stolen from Sophia


Stolen from Sophia

113 0
came for the phan, stayed for the awesomeness
came for the memes stayed for the phan *cough*my children *cough* ❤️ @me wow stop out
came for the text posts, stayed bc you're an amazing person and the text posts and Dan and Phil
came for the flying tacos, stayed for the memes.
came for the phan, stayed for the phan.
came for the Phan, stayed for the cool posts
came for the icon, stayed for the funny posts
came for the Harry Potter bc I'm p sure this was Harry Potter at first? stayed for the snazzy tumblr posts
came for the phan, stayed for the tumblr posts
came for the username, stayed for the funny posts
came for the memos, stayed for the existential crisis
aww I love these so much 😇💕
came bc my fren was following you stayed bc WÖW BEST BEAN EVER
same for the awesome person, stayed for THE TEXT POSTS THAT HAVE BECOME MY ENTIRE CAMERA ROLL
came for the Harry Potter, stayed because of Ava and everything she posts.
aw aw
came for the tacos, stayed for the friendship and vv gr99 posts
came here for the phan, stayed here for the awesome human being
y'all are too nice