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this is just s a vote on either to end this rp/trilogy thing or not
i do have a backup rp
it’s the music/entertainment industry
and it’s a competition to sorta be the best
i used SC company so consider it
c a n o n
or a side rp or something
i personally don't want this rp to end, this is the first rp i've actually had fun in in a very long time. but ultimately this is up to you brooke. if you don't want to continue this rp, then don't. don't let other people's opinions make you do something you don't want to. we'll all respect whatever decision you make.
I don’t think so. I think people just haven’t been on and this still has potential, we had plans, but we can always start over with another role play, so it’s up to you, obviously. It just wouldn’t be favorable for me, personally.
lol people have been having fun here
i haven’t
but apparently there is this “potential” but i don’t see it.
i’ll keep this open but i’m done rping here. i’ve done nothing, i have no plots, and i have no plans.
so continue to rp on week three. i’ll continue to open it and stuff but i won’t participate
aw omg Brooke, as we said, it’s your choice in the end and if you want to end it, we will support you.
brooke just end it. this is getting ridiculous.
what’s getting ridiculous, you want it to stay so i’m keeping it
this was a vote and i’m following the vote
i think you should end it. the other idea seems really good.
idk what to do. you guys say you love this rp but then you tell me to end it. i’m getting mixed signals
i don’t love this rp tbh
i think we’re dragging it on, but it’s going nowhere
lol i don’t either. it just feels pointless if that makes sense?
I think we should end it, because as much as we try to keep it going, it’s not working out. I love this rp and all, but it’s been dragged on way too much and no one puts the effort to get it going again
I wanna do the other rp idea brooke had lol it seems fun :))
and it sucks because it feels like i’m dragging the story. the high school started it all, tor was like a continuation, and then this just feels sad you know?
it’s like season 8 of the office
exactly lol
trolls is a real inspiration man
why did that baby emoji make me laugh-
okay well rn it’ll just be something i’ll debate, but for now this is the account. idk when i’ll have signups or something but i’ll definitely try it at some point
also this is brooke
ooh nice!
sounds like a perfume ad or something
it does too
wait, does this have anything to do with these rps? bc ik Nicolás’s company was SC, idk-
think of it like a little easter egg
ooh ok
plus SC was the only company that i could think of that i don’t need to make up stuff for, plus it’s an excuse to keep using birdy bam and not having to make up more things
😂 love that
lol i should have named it YG
but yeah that’s all
just saying, I may have found the account beforehand but I didn’t say anything 😳
but I really do love the idea
also is anna still active on pc?
I don’t think so.
so...i won't be joining this new rp so i'm sure i'll never hear from you guys again so i just wanted to say bye
she stopped messaging me a while ago on Pinterest bc it was stressinG me out. I commented a day or two ago but she didn’t answer so I’m just assuming.
aw elisza-
awwww :(
well bye :(( i just hope this wasn’t because of what just happened with me not feeling this rp i mean i doubt its cause of that but i just hope it’s not
oh okay, we’ll i’m sorry you feel out of place. but if you ever wanna join you can
no, it wasn’t that, i just don't really like the idea for the new one.
aw elisza, i’ll keep in touch will you :))
my rp will be open mon-thurs for anyone who wants to, just bc this rp ended.
aw elisza :((
it’s kinda flopping but it’s a different concept, so