Comment things you love about yourself. I like how my brows are always on fleek and how I'm gay


Comment things you love about yourself. I like how my brows are always on fleek and how I'm gay

101 5
I like how I can make friends really easily and how I'm gay as fûck
Hi!! How are you?
a little stressed, I just finished my first week of school. enjoy your summer while you can!
I like my one eyebrow because it looks fûcking great and the fact I call myself gay but in actuality pan
I like the fact that I can sing and draw
the best høe there ever was
I love my big nose!
my eyes
I like my eyes cuz they turn from brown to green sometimes and that's pretty much the only thing I like about myself
I like my hips, Is that weird? probably lol
I like my fashion sense, my music taste, my hair color, and my freckles