Collage by thegreatgame


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(I don’t think anyone else is here at the moment so you can join the other one)
Alex morphs so she has a swimsuit, and Ben and Peyton change into theirs.
(AUGH I have Stars and Stripes goin through my head)
Mylee takes off her shirt and shorts and has her bathing suit on underneath. Without warning, she runs onto the dock and jumps into the lake.
Laura dove into the water, full force. “whOo0.”
Laura started back stroking
Laura began treading water. Then she turned into a dolphin. She made the WOWOEUEIOWW sound that dolphins make.
Michael just kept cannonball-ing and Phoebe meanwhile had made her own water house
Mylee swam dove deep in the water. She slowly swam back up, taking a deep breath. The water was so refreshing.
oops I just meant to say dove
Lillian created a small flame in her hand as she sat in a tree. She wasn’t happy to be here...not one bit, but she knew she was the one who was going to have to end this chaos, which is why she wouldn’t end it now. Grandma Rachel’s voice echoed into her mind as she thought about how she could do this all alone...
Alex and Ara splashed each other while Ben and Peyton had a cannonball-splash contest.
(I love how both my guys are in relationships and my girls are just like “Floip!”)
Can Mylee join the cannonball contest?😂
(Beat them, Mylee. Beat their bûtts.)
“All around me are familiar faces, worn out places, worn out faces. Bright and early for their daily races, going nowhere, going nowhere. Their tears are filling up their glasses, no expression, no expression. Hide my bed, I want to drown my sorrow. No tomorrow, no tomorrow...” Lilly sang in her tree softly. That song matched her exactly.
Mylee swam over to Peyton and Ben. “May I join?” she asked and smirked.
(Seriously the song matches her exactly)
Peyton grinned. “Only if you’re ready to lose!” Ben nodded.
(Yes it does)
Mylee shook her head. “We’ll have to see about that,” she says.
“And I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad. The dreams in which I’m dying are the best I’ve ever had.” she paused, before resuming, “I find it hard to tell you, I find it hard to take, when people run in circles, it’s a very very mad world, mad world,” (ESPECIALLY THAT PHRASE)
Ara waves to Angie. “Hi!!”
Peyton got out, Ben behind him. “Ok. I’ll go first, I guess.”
Ara smiles. “I’m Ara, and this is Alex.”
Mylee jumps out of the water and waits for her turn.
She laughed and cried when she sung that phrase. She hummed the next phrase to herself, which was about being invisible. That was also relatable because even if her brightly colored hair still shown out of everyone, she would still be invisible. She watched everyone at the lake and just sat in her tree
Peyton jumped in, and his splash was pretty big. Ben’s was bigger. (Gosh that doesn’t sound correct) Peyton gestures for Mylee to go.
I still don’t know why everyone resurrected her. I’m might just kill her and make another character
Ummm ok
or just trade them
Lillian hopped off her tree and steered away from everyone. She started to think about going to work for her dad at this point...
Finally, it’s Mylee’s turn. She backs up and sprints towards the edge of the dock and flies off. She lands in the water and makes a huge splash, bigger then Peyton’s or Ben’s. (KWEEN😂)
But that would be more lonely then her life already was! She just groaned and walked into a pole and didn’t even care
Peyton’s mouth handles open. “I think,” he says quietly, “I think you won.”
“Hmm... you think?” Mylee says and laughs.
Peyton laughs. “Yep. Pretty sure.” Ben laughs, too.
She burned down the pole and continued on forth. She decided to call up Naiyla, “What’s up?” she asked. “Mhm. Alright bye,” she said. She started to stuff stuff in her bag.
Mylee jumps back into the water and starts splashing Peyton and Ben on the dock.
She hoisted her bag on her back and just walked out of camp...The end
Peyton and Ben splash her back, and Ara and Alex splash them.
(Is Naiyla going to replace her?)
who is?
Mylee suddenly pulls out a magical water gun😂 and sprays them.
Peyton and Ben jump into the lake. Ben screams, “Man down! Man down!”
Mylee laughs and almost chokes on water. She refills her water gun.
Here’s the epilogue: Lillian met up with Naiyla. “So did you get what we needed?” Naiyla asked and Lillian pulled out a file, “Yep,” she replied. Naiyla turned to Lilly, “You look down, what’s up? You miss that place?” she asked. Lillian didn’t say anything, “Hey, they didn’t even noticed I left sooo why would I ever miss it? I think that says enough,” she pointed out. Naiyla scoffed, “No, you miss something there. Someone in particular.” she stated. “No. I don’t.” she said calmly, “Doesn’t matter now. All we need to do is complete the task and stop my dad from turning the world into h ell,” she stated promptly. Naiyla then said, “Alright,” she knew there was mych more to the story and Lilly knew a lot more than she was letting on...
Alex and Ara laugh and keep splashing Ben and Peyton.
Mylee squirts Peyton in the face. “MWHAAHHAAAHHAA!” she yells.
Peyton shields himself. (Wait is Meyton just replacing Jeyton)
Peyton ducks and charges at Mylee, picking her up and throwing her a little ways.
(I gotta gooooo night night)
“HEY!” Mylee shrieks and laughs. (awwww byeeee)
omg hey hey