use y=mx+b to figure out how down hill my life is going


use y=mx+b to figure out how down hill my life is going

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hii i’m celia
hey I’m myah!
how are you?
how are you?
i’m good thanks
holaaa I’m ariii
I’m great! what are you up to?
fun! I’m just finishing up cooking even though it’s late to be eating
that true! I’m also going to be making brownies after dinner
I made rice, beans, grilled some chicken and meat, and made salsa
haha that’s seems like a lot now that I think about it
nice to meet you alvin :) cool fit btw
how are youu?
broo me too
hey I’m Sasha
hiiii I’m so sorry to disturb but I’m aiming to get 600 followers in at least a week and I rlly hope that u can help me achieve this goal. pls follow @rawruwu too! she’s a rlly sweet person thank you!! eth3real-(lyly)