I'm so sorry XD


I'm so sorry XD

50 0
0h :^)
I just had the picture in my album for a long time and this was the first thing that came into my head XD
I rarely get cramps tbh and it's nice. but to make up for it I get stomach aches all the time
*hardly ever gets cramps*
((lucky little shïts =__=))
Yeah my crAmps are sMOL and hardly ever happen and when they do, they aren't that bad, But I mean I am tough sooooooo
mine are horrible. I had to be sent home from school a couple of times cuz I vomited from the pain.
I love life :")))
I never get cramps either :"))) yeah life is a good thing to love
^sometimes life is just too painful :^}
life is too short to be painful, I blame periods
Lucky bîtçhes. get out.
^welcome to the club
cramps are absolute hëll tbh