This show was my childhood

THErE'S sQuIRRelS IN MY PanTS 👌🎤🎧🎶


This show was my childhood THErE'S sQuIRRelS IN MY PanTS 👌🎤🎧🎶

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wow #relatable
Alright, time to ruin your childhood. Remember Candice? Well, this show is based off of her life. Candice was schizophrenic, and claimed her brothers were doing insane stuff like seen in the show. That's why in the show, her mother never believes her. It's because it's truly not happening. Candice wrote all the events in her journal, and committed suicide one day. The journal was the main inspiration for the show.
(this is a true story, actually. Very sad)
oh my god yeah great inspiration for a kid's show
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