Collage by I_HateYouHatePage-BullysRock


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I think that you can be a really nice person but you are hating so many people! I don't know you in real life
I am singaporean and i am of Chinese descent but I don't look ugly. it's like saying oh your ugly cos ur from this ethnicity
that's really racist and I'm not hating you but I'm just saying, please stop
I'm not crying about this because I'm strong. if your goal here is to make people sad, well it certainly didn't work on me
so God bless you. remember that God loves you. u don't need to prove anything to anyone
I think that you are pretty and even tho you might not think I am, well that's none of my concern
also, the only reason why you have so many followers is because you follow 6000+ people so they follow you back
I don't do that. I genuinely get followers and that's why my numbers aren't as high as yours
but I don't really care about getting more followers! I just wanna show the world what I can do with collages
if you hate me back, I don't mind. but you are going to be at loss in the end.
God bless you!! please take time to think of what you are going to do before doing it