Draw this again meme


Draw this again meme

14 0
oh shït nugget likes Mx bones. do they have an account here?? I wanna be frENS WITH NUGGET AND TALK ABOUT BONES AND THEYRE WEBCOMIC PILOT :D
@spooopy-skelly-alien they do have an account here but they're not on here anymore. but their DeviantArt is CorruptedPegasister and their Tumblr is FancySpaceNuggets and their FrameCast is TalentedNugget. you can talk to them there. hope this helps :>
and their account here is called FancySpaceNuggets also. they posted a collage explaining where you can find them!
*FancySpaceNugget is the name of their PC account pardon me
Also, Nugget has a BigCanvas as well so you can draw with them if you'd like. their BC is called TalentedNugget as well
aw thank u!! ur so sweetie ☺️