stolen by literally everyone ask me some q's because i asked you to and i dont have a valid reason


stolen by literally everyone ask me some q's because i asked you to and i dont have a valid reason

34 0
39) Sagittarius 46) phan or troye i forgot
33) a lot but mostly tøp, vesperteen, clairo, uhhh catcreature, conan gray, and cavetown
32) when people say they have no friends just to be #relatable™️ xd hahah i hate it i really do
15 and 45
15) mac and cheese 45) don't have one
6) this guy named michael he's a nice guy reminds me of a cartoon character 8) i do have some crushes here and there but i dont think it's actual love idk 9) "goodNIGHT KIZZJW"
now im emo wow tHanks elli
9, 13, 28
also, do you eat mac&cheese w/ a fork or spoon
13) dark brown, basically black 28) no
i eat sometimes with spoons and sometimes with forks bÎTCH i use whatever they give me
47) wifi ahahha
whoops you already answered 9
34) dont wâtch any 36) it's a tie between the fans of the impossible life and I'll give you the sun