Collage by im_a_terrible_person


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I’m sorry;( Maybe it’ll be better? Even if it isn’t, we’re here for you💗💕
don’t worry, we love you and will be supporting you all the way! ❤️❤️
you can always tell us anything
Hey, I just wanted to say. I saw your account at first because you were following me, and then I started to look closer and I’m so sorry to see everything you’re going through. I know it sounds generic and insincere but I truly mean it. Please know I’m here if you need to talk. Also, I saw somewhere that drawing instead of cutting helped someone out. Since you’re really good at art (as I can see from your acc) you should try it. Just whenever you feel the urge to cut, draw something in that spot instead. Hope this helps, and remember I’m always here ❤️.
Maybe it’s worth a shot, and honestly np. Also, I saw that your main is SweetenerAvenue and I’ve gotta say, your collages are gorgeous 💕