Agree or disagree? If you disagree, unfollow me right now. I'm sick and tired of boys being treated unfairly. Help them out. #Genderequality


Agree or disagree? If you disagree, unfollow me right now. I'm sick and tired of boys being treated unfairly. Help them out. #Genderequality

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I think people forget this. Being a feminist is not raising females (and other genders other than male) onto a pedestal and degrading males in return. It's about equality and making sure everyone has equal rights
yeh I agree my bf / bgf gets bullied . Never fits on , even when trying ...😞😞
I hate when ppl forget this, boys and girls are equal and not all boys should have to worry about fitting the stereotypes and pretending that bullying doesn't matter and that they can never show sadness in public. boys are going through the same things girls are too