The rules for my HG roleplay!


The rules for my HG roleplay!

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can i join? ;3
skittle i miss you... please come back... animal jam...transformice... here... ;-; i miss you so much...
omggggg you answered ;0; i miss you so much!!!
wanna meet on here at 6:30 or 7:00?
6:30 is fantastic. 💙💙💙💙💙 Pls get on I'm so not lonely 😱
skittle? ;0; you on?
I am rn. What time zone do you have? It's 6:44 a.m where I am. We have a half day today at school, so will you be on at 12:15? Or at least 1:47?
yeah!! im off school till monday ;D
omg hiaaaa
OMG hiii
How's life
Mine just got a whole lot better now that were talking ;)
same ;3
Wanna roleplay? Like continue our old one with Streakpelt and Dapplelight?
sure! or wanna do a hunger games one?
I dun care. You choose (3
hm, hunger games? were on the hunger games post anyway X3
Sure, lol. If your on still and get bored, want to do my wolf one?
Are u female or male.
female, and sure! ;3
Okie dokie.
i cant think of a name ;-;
Put your forums on here :3
I have two characters.
name: paige eyes:blue hair:brown personality: nice to ppl she knows,shy past: hates to talk about it
the other one wouldnt go through
Name: Tyler Rena Age: 17 Guardians: Mother Siblings: Two sister, other brother died during games History: Tyler has been trained all his life for the Games. He knows hand to hand combat, and knows how to work every weapon. He knows how to control weapons, even If it's one he doesn't like. Fellow tribute: I don't know.
paige: * puts on a white dress * ugh, i hate dresses... *she mutters under her breath*
paige: *walks to the town square*
(shes 16 btw)
( its your first year, she said. they wont pick you, she said. - prim XD)
Name: Destiny Age: 17, turning 18 Guardians: Father Siblings: 2 brothers History: Destiny knows how to hunt excellently, and is considered a career. Even though she dislikes the Career Pack. Destiny's mother died from a Peackeeper. Destiny volunteered for her youngest sister. Outside look: Dirty blonde hair, Grey/blue eyes Personality: Stubborn, Overprotective, Talented, Nice towards family
( Lol )
Tyler: *He sat in the leaves. Awake before all of his family. He wasn't scared, he knew the Capitol wanted another Rena in the arena *
Destiny: * She slipped on her long, brown leather boots. She slipped on a jacket and headed out to the woods quietly. *
paige: *thinks about reaping, her palms sweating*
Destiny: * Trips on a root while walking and lands on butt, creating noise *
what district is she in? paige is in 12 ;P)
( Do you have a male character? Destiny is alone x3 )
( Destiny is in 11. Like Rue, I believe. And Tyler is in 3 )
i can make one x3
( Ok tanks. x3 )
Destiny: * I sat In the leaves, My hands over my knees. * What if she get picks?... What if Mia gets picked?
Tyler: * Gets up, and brushes dirt off his pants. * I could care less If I get dirty * Scoffs *
peter: hair: blonde eyes: gray personality: nice, outgoing
age: 18
Destiny: * Sets up a snare and walks away. * It's almost time...
Destiny: * Walks over the stones, going near her small house *
Destiny: * Walks in *
paige: * her district gathers in town square*
Mom: Mia y-
Destiny: Mia you look beautiful * Cuts off Dad *
( I meant Dad lol )
Peter haha classic )
Brb for about 10 mins)
( time skip. So Destiny is paired with Peter and Tyler is with Paige. I just switched up the district for Tyler )
Effie: * Picks up paper * Mia Evergreen
Destiny: * Stares at Mia and runs out of crowd * I Volunteer as tribute!
Mia: * Yells * Destiny! No
Destiny: Go to Dad. Everything will be fine. * I said calmly, not trying to show my weakness *
Destiny: * I walk up to the stage, And stare at the crowd with bravery *
Effie: What's your name?
Destiny: Destiny Everfall.
Effie: I bet my buttons that was your sister!
( im back)
paige: *waits in town square about to break down*
Pluto: I have come here, to district 12 to reap a brave Man and Woman. Let us begin, Ladies first!
Pluto: * Plucks a card from the bowl * Paige
paige: n-no...
Pluto: Come up, dear. * Looks at her with great sympathy *
everyone: •-•
Peacekeeprs: * Shift in back of her to block her from running away *
paige: * slowy walks up to the stage about to cry*
Pluto: * Plucks a card from the bowl * Tyler
Tyler: * Everyone takes a step back, and Tyler walks up to the stage and shrugs. He has trained his whole life for this day *
paige: *about to fall over* >0<
Pluto: You may now shake hands.
paige: ;~;
Effie: * Picks a card from the Men * Peter.
Destiny: * Blinks away a tear and looks up at her fellow tribute, and looks down *
paige: *slowy puts out hand, as she knows shes shaking hands with death *
peter: *his smile fades as he walks up on stage*
Tyler: * Slowly holds his hand out, awaiting for Paige to shake his *
paige: *shakes his hand holding in fear and tears*
Tyler: * Puts his hand down. His blonde hair messy *
( Tyler looks liek Cato btw )
Effie: You two may now shake hands.
( X3 paige pretty much acts like me XDDD )
Destiny: * Puts her hand out cautiously, knowing she was going to shake hands with slaughter *
( Lol ok. )
peter: * shakes her hand*
Tyler: * Steps into train cart and takes a seat. *
Destiny: * Pulls away and steps into train cart, silently taking a seat *
paige: *frozen in fear*
Peacekeepr: * Shoves her gently in train cart *
paige: *says quietly* t-thank y-y-you..
Peacekeeper: * Looks at her with sympathy * Your welcome. And good luck
paige: *walks to her room*
Tyler: Where are you going? Don't we have to meet with our mentors.
Destiny: * Looks at Peter for a moment and looks away *
peter: hi! im peter! um, before we go to the games.. maybe we could get to know each other?
Destiny: * Takes a small breath * Okay. Do you know how to hunt?
paige: *closes door and sits against it* I-i want t-to go h-h-home... *she sobs*
peter: um, sort of. i used to do it all the time before they banned it.
Tyler: * He sat quietly. The. walked over to his room *
peter looks like peter from divergent)
paige: *sobs*
paige: ;~;
paige: *calms down and walks out of her room*
Destiny: Oh. I still do hunt.. It's the only way to keep my family alive.
( Timeskip to training day? )
Tyler: * Opens the door and sits at the table, Watching the replays of the reaping day * I feel bad for 11. They never get volunteers. Until this one.
( time skip to the arena?)
Destiny: * She lifted up into the air, Standing on her platform. She looks around in the blazing sunlight, horrified in the arena. *
paige: *stands on podium*
The arena is like a tropical island. It has teal water, palm trees, and a beach. It's like the arena of Catching Fire.
5....4.....3.....2.....1.... LET THE HUNGER GAMES BEGIN!!
* The countdown goes off * Let the hunger games, Begin!
paige: * grabs a sword and runs*
Tyler: * Looks at Paige, and runs off towards the Career pack. *
Destiny: * Shoots a look at Peter, and runs off into the forest, not sure weather to trust him *
paige: *climbs up a palm tree*
Destiny: * Grabs backpack filled with crackers, snare, knife, Bow and arrows, and a water capsule *
peter: * runs next to destiny* you want to stay together or split up?
Destiny: * Climbs a jungle tree, with no Alliance *
Destiny: * Looks down * I don't know. Do you think the sponsors will know we don't really love each other if we split up?
paige: *whimpers as she watches 5 tributes die at the cornucopia*
Destiny: I can't make a decision, I'm too stressed and worried.
( Apparently Destiny's and Peter's mentor told the Capitol they loved each other )
peter: ok, i dont mind if you kill me, id rather you survive * he says as he walks away the hunt for food*
Tyler: * Turns towards Clove * I'm going to hunt for tributes alone. Stay with everyone else.
( XD)
Tyler: * Runs off and stops at Paige's tree. Although he doesn't know she's there *
paige: *mouth wide open*
Destiny: * Looks into his eyes, dazed by the color. * No, Don't leave.
peter: *sees a bird and shoots it with an arrow*
Tyler: * Turns around and looks at Paige * Don't play games with me. I'm not going to kill you.
paige: * sneezes* *eyes are now wide open* *thinks: im gonna die...*
Tyler: * Quickly turns around as Clove approaches flirtly *
paige: h-how do i k-know that..?
paige: * her eyes wild with fear ;-; *
Tyler: * A low rumble comes from his throat * What are you doing here, following me all the time? I'm not your boyfriend..
paige: *hides*
Clove: Oh, I know. But you see, I'm available. I was just checking on you. You have been gone for long. And who is that girl up there? Are you gonna kill her or what.
paige: 0o0
Tyler: Yes I am. Wait here, or are you gonna follow me too? * Snaps at her *
paige: * sneaks behind clove and runs, silently*
Tyler: * Climbs tree quickly at Looks at Paige. Whispers * Look, I'm not gonna kill you. I'm just keeping you alive so we can both get sponsors..
Clove: Is she dead?
Tyler: I just lsit her throat. she should be dead soon. * Cannon goes off * There, she's dead. Let's go.
paige: when i turn around you'll probably kill me, wont you? ;~;
Tyler: * Jumps down and walks away with Clove *
Tyler: * Stops * You know what? I'm gonna hunt. Go back with Marvel and make out or something to get Sponsors.
Tyler: * Watches Clove walkaway for a mile * Paige?
paige: *watches them leave*
Destiny: * Jumps down * Peter?.... * Walks further *
Tyler: * Grunts * I'm not gonna kill you.
peter: * stuck in a bear trap* *stay silent so no one can kill him while he's stuck*
paige: y-yeah?
paige: * jumps out of tree* lets go find some other tributes.
Destiny:'* Runs * Peter!
Tyler: Are you going to come down or what? I'm trying to talk to you. Or should I go up there?
paige: *walks up on peter* hello there.. *she pulls out her sword *
Tyler: Oh so now you trust me -.-
peter: DESTINY!! * he looks to paige, wild with fear*
paige: *has sword close to peters neck* where is she..?
Destiny: * Shoots an arrow at Paige's back * Geta way!
peter: i wont tell you...
paige: then die...
Tyler: * Grabs Paige, Preventing. her from getting shot *
Tyler: Let the lovers have their moment. You almost got shot, we'll kill them later.
i cant type!!
its not working!
oh no, nvm XD )
Tyler: Let's go.
paige: b-but i have a sword and hes stuck!!
Tyler: But the girl's here and she knows Hand to hand combat. I have other plans, I'll tell you.
Hello? )
Destiny: * Runs over to Peter, about to untie him
paige: ;-;
Tyler: Come on.
paige: climbs a tree*
( Can u type now? )
paige: * follows him*
yeah its working better now)
Tyler: If we kill them, the Sponsors will get mad at us for killing some tributes who are ' madly in love '.
paige: *sees clove in the trees and falls over, pretending to be dead*
Destiny: * Unties Peter quickly and gets him put of the trap * Don't ever leave me again. * Looks him directly in his eyes, serious *
*cannon goes off*
peter: o-okay..
Destiny: * Feels the top of his head with her hand * You have a fever.
peter: n-no.... •\\\\\\•
Clove: Tyler, you made out with this skunkbag?
paige: *pretends to be dead*
Destiny: Yes, you do. I'll walk you down towards the north of here, and we'll find shelter.
peter: o-ok *says feeling drowsy*
Tyler: Would you just shut up? Maybe I did kiss her, do you have a problem? It's none of your business what I do. Maybe I should of just killed you in the first place, since you wanted to target her first.
paige: *whispers* use the sword!
Destiny: * Rouses Oeter up and puts his arm around her shoulder, walking him toward the North end of the arena *
Clove: * Lunges toward Tyler, and throws a knife at his arm *
Tyler: * Moves away, and kicks her in the stomach and throws a large stone at her head *
paige: * jumps in front of the knife, taking the blow*
Tyler: * Throws a sword in the side of her stomach and digestive system, killing her *
* A cannon goes off, and Clove gets lifted by hovercraft *
*cannon goes off*
Tyler: You can stop pretending your dead, Paige.
cloves family: •-• she was annoying anyway
paige: gets up*
Destiny: * Stops at a stone cave entrance * I found shelter.
peter: g-good.. *yawns*
( XD, " she was annoying anyway " )
Destiny: * Walks Peter toward cave, and sets him down gently. Destiny collapses from tiredness *
Destiny: * Hands Peter a sleeping bag, for him to rest *
Tyler: Where are we going to go? We can't stay in the same spot.
paige: i-i dont know...
*arena gets dark*
paige: were screwed!
Destiny: * Yawns, wants to go to sleep *
Tyler: Let's just hide In the same tree. I can sleep on another branch, If you feel uncomfortable which me sleeping on the same one.
paige: *yawns, her eyes feel heavy
Tyler: Let's just climb the same tree you were using.
paige: no, its fine, stay. *she climbs the tree*
Tyler: * Climbs the tree, trailing behind *
paige: we should take shifts, you sleep
Tyler: * Sits in the branch, leaning against the tree *
Destiny: * Falls asleep, and has a terrifying dream and screams awake *
brb gtg shower)
Destiny: * Covers her mouth the second she screams *
paige: *hears her* what the..
peter: A-are you okay?
Tyler: Probably that 12 year old girl from district 8. I was surprised she lasted until here.
Destiny: I'm sorry... It was just a bad dream..
paige: o-ohh Im*falls asleep*
Tyler: * Looks at her, and turns away, putting his arm around Paige and drifts off to sleep *
Heyyyy how was Thanksgiving? My was good.
o m gee that remix that you did thou
Should Ig et off aj?
Too late I logged off x3
doesn't matter
Your remixes ;)
Wanna do WC? Or HG? I kinda wanna finish the Streakpelt and DappleLight thang XD
But then I wanna do the ships in our HG one ;-;
Idk u choose,
I could care less both relationships are gettin intense
its was hg, i closed mah eyes and pointed
I left off with Tyler putting his arm around Paige and falling asleep with her. And Destiny screaming awake in the cave because of a bad dream ( Peter was in the cave too )
( Let us begin )
peter: I-its ok destiny.
Tyler: * He fell asleep with his head lying against the branch, and his around Paige safely *
Destiy: * Screams from a terrifying horror dream *
( I'm sorry I re role played that part again so just say what your characters say again x3 )
peter: d-destiny, your o-ok..
paige: * hears her dead parents screams*
Destiny: * Turns around * I-I'm sorry... It was just a bad dream.
peter: I-its ok *hears running*
Tyler: * Wakes up from scream and nudges Paige gently * Did you hear that?...
paige: * runs towards the sound*
Destiny: * Feels safe and secure around Peter, and finally rests her head against his shoulder *
paige: M-mom? D-Dad?
Destiny: * Suddenly hears running, the same as what Peter was hearing and lifts her head up *
paige: *breaths heavy*
Tyler: Paige, It was another tribute. It's not your parents. It's dark out here, and it's not safe. The Gamemakers could out out Mutts while were here. We have to leave.
paige: * keeps running*
Destiny: * Puts a finger on her lips, telling Peter to stay silent *
paige: i'll find them.. i'll bring them home.. * tears up*
Tyler: Paige, stop. There playing with you, we have to go. * Tyler says frustrated *
* arena mirrors paige in agony *
paige: * runs straight into a hive of tracker jackers*
Destiny: * Looks at Peter, wishing this would all go away. Hoping to find a way to make them both win *
paige: * gets stung by a tracker jacker and runs farther into the forest*
Tyler: Noo!! Paige! Get away! There tricking you! They want us both to be dead! This is a little one of their tricks.
( opps XD )
Tyler: I swear, there taking everything away from me.
paige: * hallucinates tyler agony*
paige: * reaches out to a fake tyler *
Destiny: * Leans in a little towards Peter, and kisses him on the cheek. Destiny decides this isn't the right time for lips. *
peter: I-i hear crying..
( I swear these kids are trying to kill themselves for girlfriends and boyfriend like bruh )
paige: * sobs as the fake tyler dies*
Tyler: * Grabs Paige, trying to distract her by kissing her on the lips *
ghost of clove: hai family
cloves family : NUUUU SHES BACK
paige: *spaces out*
Destiny: I know, It think it's the girl from 12. We should just hide in here, it's too much of a risk loosing you when your wounded trying to run away.
peter: o-ok...
Tyler: * Picks up Paige and runs away from everything, including tracker hackers and the mirrors *
paige: * collapse*
Tyler: * Makes a small camp, and lays Paige down in a sleeping bag, sacrificing his own for her *
* A small ring comes out, directing towards the boy and girl in 11 in the cave. The parachute lands in the cave *
Destiny: It's a Parachute. * Looks at Peter *
Destiny: * Twists open the cap of the parachute and looks inside * It's soup, for your Fever.
paige: * dreams: *she and tyler are the only ones left alive, he comes towards her with a violent look and kills her* *she wakes up* * starts sobbing* *thinks: i wont let it get to that point..*
Destiny: * Hands Peter the soup *
Tyler: * Looks at Paige with concern * Are you alright?..
skittle i miss you ;-;