What do you think?


What do you think?

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Amy thank you so so much for posting the beautiful collage on my acc but my parents view my acc and if they saw the picture of clary and have kissing they would not approve πŸ˜• sorry it's a really beautiful collage and I appreciate you taking your time to make it, but I'll have to delete it. Hope you understand. πŸ’•
and sure I'll start a collage for the collab πŸ˜‚πŸ™ˆ
thanks πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚β€οΈ
oh ok thanks i'd take the follows, the spam and the shoutout:)
yeah I'll start the collab
Hi! I admit, this is a copied and pasted message, but hear me out! I know that this acc has some connection and or love for Harry Potter!!! on my other acc @dauntlesshufflepuffgames, I am hosting a Harry Potter house games!! I think you might make a great addition to "Hogwarts" as a student!!! no promises that you will get accepted to the school since it will be random (more explanation on my other acc). but if you would like to try, go sign up!! I promise it will be super fun!!!! thanks amissima!!!! -GeekyOtterπŸ“šπŸ“šπŸ“šπŸ“š