Rant in comments about guns n stuff || I think I'm gonna do a mini theme and then have a new theme idk yet || tugan


Rant in comments about guns n stuff || I think I'm gonna do a mini theme and then have a new theme idk yet || tugan

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Hi hello welcome to rants with tugan™ this time were talking about why you ppl in America should have gun control laws bc jfc there's been two consecutive shootings that's ended the lives of innocent people (just to make it clear I'm not blaming everyone in America I'm sure the majority of you are lovely people who feel the same way about guns as every other sane person on earth) and also @people who say "homophobia doesn't exist": 50 people have been killed and 53 have been seriously injured for no reason other than they're not straight and the shooter has been getting support from so many people?? You sure homophobia doesn't exist m8?? Can we please just talk about the fact that here in the uk where there are v strict gun laws we hardly ever see stuff on the news about shootings in this country while in America there's been two in two days?? I'm not saying Britain is better bc it's definitely not... except when we're talking about gun control no offence. Idk what this was half of it prolly doesn't even make sense I just wanted to talk about this. If you live in Orlando and can donate blood please do bc you're helping the victims of the attack and their families and please stay safe I don't want any of you getting hurt 💕
i live in the US and it's disgusting what happened in Orlando. Also with the guns and stuf, it's êffing scary. how can people feel safe when anyone with a "license" can buy a gun? i hate to say it but the US needs to get stricter laws or better control on this shïz or else it'll keep on happening
also, this edit is beautifull 💦 so keep doing what you're doing (is this Waterparks??::dont attack me if im wrong))
same to you, even though you live in the UK (right??) ik their an unknown band but i kinda like their new album so ✨