Collage by AllWeNeed-


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Oh, I’m sorry…
I see, I hope things get better for you.
Girl, yes you do. I understand from Andrew that y’all are going through it right now, and I don’t know what all happened, but I promise you girl, it WILL get better in the end
Boys are jerks. Like honestly. You deserve so much better sweet girl, I am EXTREMELY sorry and it’s sad to watch other females go through something like this. If you need my help or if you need help with your children, let me know
I can’t really give the best advice since I’m just now joining and hearing everything. But try reaching out and come to terms? Maybe an apology if there’s one due. I don’t really know how I can help
I’m truly sorry Olive. Do you want me to help you? What is his account and I can try to help you, atleast come to peace between each other?
Okay. Your kids deserve a good dad and it sounds like he didn’t treat them the best.
It couldn’t have all been you, not how he treated his kids. Don’t beat yourself down about it. And I think that’s the thing with true love, it hurts and scars and leaves a mark and once you love someone hard, they never go away. My boyfriend was actually killed in a shooting at his high school his senior year, and I’ll forever cope with that. But it’s changed me and I think that’s why I’m so structured with a heart that truly cares
If you have the urge and peace to apologize, apologize and right everything out the good and the bad.. because truly at then end of the day, he has kids with you and any day - I mean honestly I don’t say this with a light heart - anything could happen and you’ll never have that chance again
Okay, whatever you feel is best for your mental health. And two, just give it time. Because time does heal
Put you and your childrens lives first and do what YOU need to do. Not what anyone needs, but what you need