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sorry! she's *whispers* she's getting married with blue
h-huh *whispers* um...I thought she was married to UT sans...
no she's from another AU, she's from -UndertaleArt-
Ella: IM GOING TO FUÇ- *beeeeeeeeeeeeeeep* KILL YOU!!!!!!!!! Ella stop!
*ears go back* *gets scared* p-please don't-
Ella: *calms down* s-sorry......
Ella: I just....I just hate to lose another person that I loved
*looks down* ...
Ella: *hugs you* but I don't want to lose you....
*smiles* *hugs back*
Ella: .......*hugs tight*
*eyes widen* e-Ella is something wrong?
Ella: n-no *tries to hold back tears*
Ella...*puts hand on her shoulders* what's wrong...
Ella: *holds it back* nothing
*face becomes serious* Ella...
Ella: *starts bursting out crying* IM THINK IM A BAD PERSON AND I JUST WANT TO DIE!
*eyes widen* that's not true!! a lot of people think your the nicest person to ever meet!
Ella: I just want to die! *sobs*
*sighs* who cares what people thing of you! if they don't like your appearance then they're just jealous that they can be as beautiful as you! plus...ending your own life is never a solution to your problems...and it won't make the situation better...you should start believing there will be a future...and there will be