Collage by percolator


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you deleted your bio, im heartbroken 💔
y: *squeals happily and giggles, scrunching her nose as she places a hand on each side of your face* // *keeps my gaze on the two of you and smiles softly, reaching over to tickle her sides to hear more of her giggles*
y: *reaches over to me and kisses my cheek a few times, giggling* // *laughs a bit and kisses her cheek back before turning my gaze to you, smiling softly * mommas turn to give me kisses
*pecks your lips back each time with a smile, taking a second after you pull away before littering light kisses all over your face* i hope you don’t get tired of me kissing you, because i’ll probably be doing that a lot to make up for the lost time // y: *plays with the ends of your hair as she rests against you, looking between the two of us*
i think i can definitely say the same for both nez and myself *smiles softly and turns my focus onto her again* wanna finish watching the movie with momma, babygirl? // *nods a little and stays tucked close to you, moving her hand out of your hair*
y: *rests back against your chest and turns her focus onto the tv* // *reaches for the remote to press play before you both sit down, then going over to sit beside you and places my arm around your shoulder*
*rests my head against yours and watches the movie along with the both of you, using my other hand to take hold of ynez’s* // y: *hums faintly with the music in the Disney movie, her full attention on the tv screen*
y: *turns to sit sideways in your lap so she can hug onto my arm and stay close to you at the same time, keeping her focus on the movie* // *smiles a bit to myself and raises an eyebrow, glancing over at you as i keep my voice soft* oh really now?
*smiles softly and gives you a small nod, leaning in to peck your lips before muttering* we can definitely start planning for another one. i’m more than ready to grow our family. // y: *rubs her eyes and continues watching the movie, nestling a little closer to you*
*smiles to myself again then looks down at ynez, keeping my attention on her to gauge how tired she is* // y: *watches the movie and fidgets with my hand, letting out a soft yawn*
y: *leans into you more and rests her cheek against your chest, rubbing at her eyes again as she fights to stay awake* // *laughs faintly and leans down to kiss her head* i think it’s bath and pjs time, babygirl
y: *nods a little and looks up at me then you, mumbling sleepily* momma help? // *laughs lightly and pushes some hair out of her face gently as i gently move my arm from her grasp before looking up at you momentarily*
y: *rubs her eyes and nods, reaching over for my hand with a small pout* daddy go, too // *gets up, already knowing she’ll want me to go with her and takes hold of her hand, walking with her up to her room*
*goes with her to pick a nightgown out then carries her into the bathroom, using one of my hands to unfasten the barettes in her hair before setting her down and helping her undress*
*finishes helping her out with undressing and picks her up, feeling the temperature of the water before setting her in the tub* alright baby, i’ll let momma help you now since that’s what you wanted, okay? // y: *carefully sits down in the water and looks over at you, waiting so you can help her*
*steps out of the bathroom to go back downstairs, turning the tv off and straightening up a little, making her nighttime drink* // y: *helps you a little by lifting her arms and moving when necessary so you can clean her*
y: *starts shivering once the water is drained, clutching onto the towel after you put it around her* col’ momma
y: *keeps her arms wrapped around herself, for most of the time until you have to dry her arms off* // *heads upstairs with a lidded cup of warm milk, setting it on the nightstand in our room before going over to help you get her nightgown on*
y: *plays with the long sleeves of her nightgown and keeps her gaze on you, mumbling a soft thank you as she yawns again* // *goes over to the both of you and hands ynez her milk, smiling softly* here, angel
*smiles softly and cups her cheeks, kissing her forehead, nose then lips* goodnight, babygirl. // y: *giggles sleepily and gives the same pattern of kisses* night daddy
*changes into a pair of sweats after you take her to her room, going into our bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face* // y: *holds onto you and her cup of milk, putting it on her nightstand once you put her down, crawling under the covers*
y: night, momma *rubs her eyes and grabs her milk again, drinking from it as she lays down again, shutting her eyes*
*takes my contacts out and finishes up in the bathroom, heading into the bedroom* did she settle down pretty easily?
that’s good *nods a bit and takes the hamper down to the laundry room and grabs a water bottle for the both of us, heading back into the room*
*sets the water bottles on the nightstand and goes over to you, wrapping my arms around your waist* i know your catch up time with ynez was cut a bit short, but hopefully you could tell exactly how excited she was
*smiles softly and presses a light kiss to your shoulder* yeah, i think so too. it’s nice to see how far that relationship has come.
*places another kiss to your neck then let’s go of my hold around you* cmon, let’s get comfortable.
*slips under the covers on my side of the bed before pulling you close, keeping my gaze on you* so…. baby number two?
alright *nods a bit and smiles softly, moving to kiss your forehead as i place my hand on your lower back, smoothing my thumb along it* well, we can definitely start trying. i just want you to tell me what you are or are not comfortable with
hi pretty girl
how’s your day been, beautiful?
we missed you too, babygirl
well, i’m here now so there’s no need to be missing me, yeah?
that can definitely be arranged. with nez or just the two of us?
it’s your choice, babygirl. i don’t mind either way
yeah, she’s already in our bed half asleep so she’d love the cuddles
pulls back the covers with one hand, holding nez in my lap against my chest as she waves over at you sleepily*