
So I had made another account, @ForeignTongues, but I've left it so I'm just going to post these. 

Also, I'm okay guys. Thank you for asking. (Look @comments)


~;-;~ So I had made another account, @ForeignTongues, but I've left it so I'm just going to post these. Also, I'm okay guys. Thank you for asking. (Look @comments)

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I find it funny that when I post something I think others will find meaningful, and that I want them to see because it's close to my heart, people don't care. Maybe it's because there are so many words, idk. I just want to be listened to. I want to spread my message. I do that a lot through writing. But the moment I post a little black square filled with vague wording, people notice. People worry. It was kinda a social experiment, I suppose. But please. I don't care about feedback and praise, I care that some of you who are struggling read the messages and ponder on them. If I post something, it may correlate to you as well. Sepukku? It's a metaphor between the samurai's suicide in order to keep themselves away from the enemy, or because they have committed a crime and were allowed to die with "honor" by killing themselves, instead of dying with shame. This poem also speaks about the samurai who have become their own lord and live by their own morals rather than by the want of their master Shoguns. Do you see the correlation? I'm trying to tell you that you are living, and dying, for yourself, and that you cannot serve three masters without loving one more than the other, most likely the one who will destroy you (the devil). If you die, you're just another sad death. If you live, you can be so much more. There is no heroism in suicide or honor, because honor doesn't slowly eat through you like parasites as you decompose, leaving a whittled corpse in a permanent hollowness? There's no honor there. Friend, put down your knife. In this futile society, you've become your own Lord. Stop serving your heart, because it listens to the whispers of the enemy. Listen with your ears, and think with your head, because there you reside. Most importantly, look inside your heart, and realize who's there. The devil can't get through unless you let him in. Let the Lord stay in your heart. He will save you from the pierce of your metaphorical tānto.
(and some people do care of course I'm not talking to y'all, I just want to reach everyone.)
*slow clap*
that was actually really amazing, well thought out, intelligent, and overall inspirational. thank you.
I think your collages are so meaningful! it's good that you are spreading the message out
That was amazing. It was very inspiring, thank you for writing that.
your poems and writings are so so beautiful and their meanings are so deep, I think it's amazing. you have such a beautiful way of explaining things, I personally love it a lot.