Collage by _liliana


10 1
omygosh I love thisss
thanks you for this help!💗I loved theses series and it’s so sad this is the last one!🥺
you dint know how much I can relate bec me being a huge weirdo that would do anything crazy is good bec I’m just always messing around but when there is kids that are like … “wth” or just being SOOOOO JUDGY is very frustrating bec I’m just having fun you know and they just gotta mess it up so this helps a lot and I’m super sad this series is over bec it helped me so much and I’ve learned so much!!!! thank you ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
don’t ^ 🤦‍♀️
omygoshh i love this sm! peer pressure occurs on everyone at anytime and that builds up insecurities, thank you sm for the advice 💞💞💞✨✨💖
thank you for all this advice I just have one question, do you have any advice whatsoever about how to get yourself to drink more fluids? this is a total me problem and I’m pretty sure I’m dehydrated almost every day, because I don’t feel any thing wrong with me, I just don’t drink as much at all as my parents and sister. do you have any great advice??