I like how ur older than me and I call you child and I like that ur so fucxin cool and I'm not but u called me a fren I aM sO cOnFuSeD oN tO wHy PeOpLe EvEn TaLk To MEH


I like how ur older than me and I call you child and I like that ur so fucxin cool and I'm not but u called me a fren I aM sO cOnFuSeD oN tO wHy PeOpLe EvEn TaLk To MEH

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lol i call my mom child 😂💯 and gurl i am not cool basically everyone popular in my schools either hates me or isnt aware of my existence 😂 also u waaayyy cooler than me gurl and ppl talk to u bc ur gr8 and amazing and BOOTIFUL KAY 😂💯
btw that edit is genious 😂:)
re:// i wish ik u too 😭 and ur right emo is always better 💯
we could meet up somewhere but we probs don't live close 😭 i'm going to playlist live in dc if you're going we could meet there :)
OH MY FUCXIN God the end of it though what he said about the key so fucxin cute!
Teacher: what religion are you Tom: Jewish Billy: Christian Sara: Hinduism Teacher: what religion are you? Me: Gerard