\click here/
he thought of her as a best friend.
but that night he saw something more.
he saw the girl he'd be with until the end.
he was no longer torn.
he no longer saw her as a know-it-all.
but as a great love.


\click here/ he thought of her as a best friend. but that night he saw something more. he saw the girl he'd be with until the end. he was no longer torn. he no longer saw her as a know-it-all. but as a great love.

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it's alright 😂 I'm just a clumsy person and hurt myself a lot. Also, I love this a lot 💖
you're too sweet y'all thank you so much 💙
why thank you😄💙
oh my god my hp fam yes
hi! how are you?
OMG I've missed you SO much!! We need to chat soon but unfortunately I'm not active anymore... I have missed you so much!! 💕