This is hard


This is hard

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Look, honestly if you wanna use this as a place to complain, you most certainly can. No one should really mind it and there are clearly multiple people interested in trying to help or support you. So that's not a problem. But if you actually want to leave then you can, just do what you think is best
Okey here's the deal nobody likes when you're a crybaby 24/7 and people will get tired of it. I don't actually wanna leave but PC fxcking sucks atm. And the last thing I want is to my account to just become like a therapy session for me
^^i actually don't mind hearing complaints, it's your choice, though, you do you, man
But do you really wanna follow account that just screams heyyyy look at me I'm depressed please give me attention
sure. complaining is a thing everyone does and it's good to let out your feelings but if I would do it all the time so would all my posts be about my problems
^^well i mean i actually do like trying to help people through life and if that's what it takes, yeah, man, i'm cool with an account like that
and it feels like that's about to happen
I don't have anything against those kinds of accounts but I don't want mine to become ab
Mostly bc I hate taking advices from other people and this feels like a shítty thing to say but I really don't like when people are being sentimental
sometimes it's great to be sentimental but I don't like when people are gonna act like they care
Erika what I'm saying is that no one seems to care and I certainly don't okay? Just do what you feel like
maybe I have a hard time letting out my feelings who knows
I don't know what I feel like and that's the problem
okey I'm not used to this whole thing with people being sentimental and stuff mostly bc in real life I don't have those kinds of friends
I told one of my best friends other week about my depression and the only thing she said was "I could guess that" and then when I go on here everyone becomes so fxcking sentimental and it feels so wrong bc I have a hard time accepting that
I guess I'm just a cold selfish little fxcker who can't appreciate people caring
hey, that's not you at all. I understand how hard it can be to except compassion, it feels as tho we are faking. I promise I'm not, but if PC feels like a chore and isn't a place you enjoy anymore, that's ok. whatever you decide, it's ok.
I barely recognize my self anymore.
and tbh it actually feels more like a chore
if that's how you feel, then you should leave. I'll miss you, but I never want to be a burden.
Yeah, I'm gonna think a bit more