So just because nine year olds use this app we all have to suffer? Wow thanks pic collage


So just because nine year olds use this app we all have to suffer? Wow thanks pic collage

105 3
I totally agree with this rant!
you're welcome love and thanks so much love! I love your collages as well.😘😘
TRUEEE!!!!! this app needs to be seriously fixed. or at least, there should be a button for the people who may be offended (like a parental lock) and the other people don't use it so that we can have more expression
Everyone should see this post... nothing against you 9-year olds but if your gonna be on PC you should at least be mature💦
AGREED!!!!! like come on😒people get your shìt together IT'S A FRĒAKĪNG PNG!!!!!😒
yES I posted a edit a while ago with Zoella and some cigarettes, it was to show my maturity (not that smoking is mature just to show that I'm ok with posting that out there) and it's annoying....please, if ur disturbed by cigarettes then just leave this app.
agreed. This is the only social media I have, and I'm a few years older than those nine year olds. anyway, what's so wrong about cigarettes? You mean it as a metaphor, and many of us know the facts about smoking.
nobody is posting things that are r-rated, so many users can't say anything. freedom of speech
okay well your posts are fućkïng amazing. so don't even listen to nine year olds and keep on posting what you're posting. I LOVE what you post!
oh my god I know! there's so many immature kids on this!
I know I can't stand seeing 9 and 11 year olds on here and I'm freaking done 😑
honestly ive been waiting for someone to say this. thank u srsly. i mean the ppl on here are great but like jeesh the kids 😒 when i was nine i played puzzles and lego AND ABSOLUTELY NOT GO COMMENT ON SOMEONES POST ONLINE BC I SAW A DAMÑ CIGARETTE PACk
^im reaaalllyyy weird but yea okie sorry
YES OMG, thanks for all of your connects guys!! I'm totally glad that people agree honestly I've just been getting really annoyed, it's not even haters it's just really idiotic comments
What if you post some cigarettes and caption it "Bøobies" do you think a bunch of 9 year olds will attack you
this app literally won't let you write nipplës ŵtf
YES OMG PREACH IT! Tbh I don't see much wrong in it. I mean there are much worse accounts on here posting some unpleasant photos which are defo PG
um we can't even say petè wèntz??
like please pc??
@everyoneabove ikkkkk!! it's so fúckïñg annoyinggggggg
@grunge_rock yeeessss literally they have something against emos, I mean it clearly shows on the popular page, it's Ariana Grande or nothing sorry bub
This rant explains everything PERFECTLY. I agree.😑
OH yeah!!!!👏🏼