credit to real-common-sense -j


credit to real-common-sense -j

48 2
feminist spelled backwards is tsinimef
and gay spelled backwards is yag
vegan spelled backwards is nagev
good observation
atheist spelled backwards is tsiehta
prochoice spelled backwards is eciohcorp
what's your point??
ok thank you for that information
my point is that being a homophobe makes no sense
well neither does being a feminist, began, atheist, or prochoice
so what's your point?
it makes no sense to be against love
also, it is none of your business who other people love
@cs why do you feel the need to insult other people's religions but if someone says anything about yours you are all defensive?
@c-s' logic: atheists are stupid, Muslims are terrorists, only Christians are okay, unless they support marriage rights!
honey you need to wake up and see the world. not all people of one kind are good and not all people of another are bad