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please stop making h8 pages
if you want to make any h8 pages make one of me bc I am way worse at making collages then she is
can you stop making those h8 pages
oh do ur making a h8 page for arianagrande ?
hey I don’t want any h8 pages following me
lol. I don’t care what people say about me so don’t try to get the best of me
I womt be following
I know - I was being sarcastic
I rlly don’t care
all I’m trying to do here is spread positivity!
that is short for really…
I know what it means stupid
I’m sorry to inform you but my collages are good, and this h8 is not cool, pls take this down I’ve already reported you and this needs to stop,
unfollow me pls
wait is there an account named Ariana grande or dose this person just don’t like the singer? this is the most important moment of my life I need answers
oh wait nvm I found the account LOL
but like shut up dude we never asked