Any ballerinas out there? 🙋🏼 do you think I should I should post more? I think so...


Any ballerinas out there? 🙋🏼 do you think I should I should post more? I think so...

90 0
you should do more of these there awesome and why apps do you use
Hi! I just wanted to say that I really like your collages. They're all really pretty!
And yes, you should definitely post more of these!
ok thank you
no problem! 😌 please check out my main account @TumblrFiltered 😘
ok thank you! 🐠 I used to be a ballerina 😂 well, was training for one when I was five 💖
cool 🙌🏻 I quit because it just wasn't my thing. 😭 have you been in recitals or plays? 💧 like maybe the Nutcracker?
cool! you're so talented ⭐️
tysm 💖
thx love this
I used to be a ballerina... But now I'm too tall... 😭
wow. you're really good! I quit ballet when I was 5...does that count? 😂