I'm so sorry everybody! My phone got dropped and shattered entirely and it wouldn't work with a new screen so now I have a new phone! I also upgraded it to a 6s plus so it took even longer than it should have. I promise to get to the shoutouts!


I'm so sorry everybody! My phone got dropped and shattered entirely and it wouldn't work with a new screen so now I have a new phone! I also upgraded it to a 6s plus so it took even longer than it should have. I promise to get to the shoutouts!

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I'm so sorry that happened to your phone! I had a close call the other day when I dropped it on the ground. It was a really loud smack! It wouldn't turn on for a while but luckily it's all good now. 😀-Emily
omg😭❤️ Thank you so so so so so so so so much for the nice comment! i never get comments like this very often! now i see that you have got a big big big big heart and that's what everybody should see!❤️
TYSM 4 the spam!!💖✨💕💎💘