Might leave/take a break from PC


Might leave/take a break from PC

56 0
I'll miss u fren :(
I've been feeling the same way. The app isn't the same anymore. I'd miss you if you did leave though, you're a really good friend. and yep the Daveed valentines card is so funny aha
oh...k den.
I've just taken a massive break as well I feel more refreshed now but I am not getting as many likes and follows but I feel motivated so I think it's best for you 💗💗🌎 xx
the app is just boring now; no one is ever on
I see why you'd leave; sometimes I feel like leaving this app too
nooo don't leave u slayyyyy please enter my games
yhhhhhh Ik no one is active only a few people and they think the same 💗🌎
Since you are following me will you tell me what you think of my latest post?
yhhhh it used to be more our age range and now there are only a few of us left 💗
thank you! I use phonto but that's it!
just found ur acc it's awesome!! ❤️💚💜
yh I find it really lonely, no ones ever active 💜
heyy, do u like my new username x
tysmmmm 💕🌎
This edit is absolutely stunning! I love it :D