the last month has been a roller coaster of emotions & things have been so hard on me but it’s better now :) both my parents, mom & dad have tested positive for the virus, it was really rough for my family, both my parents had pneumonia from it, and they


the last month has been a roller coaster of emotions & things have been so hard on me but it’s better now :) both my parents, mom & dad have tested positive for the virus, it was really rough for my family, both my parents had pneumonia from it, and they

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the last month has been a roller coaster of emotions & things have been so hard on me but it’s better now :) both my parents, mom & dad have tested positive for the virus, it was really rough for my family, both my parents had pneumonia from it, and they were experiencing the hardest of symptoms. but i’m thankful that there still here in this world & thankfully have recovered from this virus. please stay inside & wash your hands, and cover you face it is airborne!! i’ll post a in more depth of this on my main soon enough, but thank you for your support it means a lot to me 🥺💓
*mistake it’s NOT airborne but can transmitted through he air if someone’s coughs or sneezes near you and the droplets from that get breathed it, that’s why it’s important to stay 6 feet apart.
sal I love you 😂😂
ohmigosh Sal I’m so sorry. I wish I could say more than that because you deserve more than that but I don’t know what to say. I’m happy that your family wasn’t taken by the virus but nevertheless that must have been stressful. We’re always here to talk if you need it.