I think that it's safe to say that it's a theme


I think that it's safe to say that it's a theme

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yep! it's a theme. and an AMAZING one!!!!!!! keep doing it!😘
yo do you have Pinterest???
ah I'm not on tumblr >.<
it's sebastian stan but i guess it kinda looks like been lmào
i already listen to fall out boy too, not as much as i listen to panic! but they're still a 10/10 band tbh
hey! are you on now?➰
ah! clever tactic! I've tried that too! was it working for you?😏😂
hello... you've read Lady Midnight haven't you?➰
idk how I got so many!!! and City of Lost Souls is a great book!!!!❤️
poor you! you deserve loads of followers! *everyone who reads this should follow you!!* 😂❤️ whichs been your fave TMI book so far??➰
I LOVED City of Glass and City of Heavenly Fire!!!!!💕
didn't we all live all of them! 💜😭 t
Yeah. I think it's Jia just in case you were wondering. IDK though