Collage by -5-of-us-


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hey everyone! -r
wassup? -c
raaaawr! -n
*laughs* hey guys! -d
Ello! wassup? -jake
how's life everyone? -Tori
hey guys -Josh
hi everyone!!! -mer
beware of Nya she stayed up all night and looks like a zombie! -Dyl
nothing much just rlly bored -r
boring...ig -c
*rubs eyes, yawns and sits a computer*
aww Nya *comes and sits next to you* is somebody tired? -jake
I'm bored too!!! *smiles* -m
same -Josh
I'm bored too. *yawns* -Tori
hey josh how comes your leaving? -c
r u ok? -r
she's crazy!!! -d
*nods* but I can't sleep! not right now! *writes down what's on the computer screen*
why Nya? honey you've gotta sleep! and can we talk? -Jake
yes *gets up*
let's just do it here, ok? -j
MKay good cuz I didn't actually wanna get out of this chair *looks sharply at Dylan then back at u* -n
*rolls eyes* I wasn't going to! -d
I talked to Kali.... -j
Dylan.... *laughs* -m
and?.... -n
but I wasn't gunna! *giggles and listens* -d
we're ok. it's all been resolved, and we worked it out. We're getting married!!!! I couldn't be happier with my choice. I'm finally ok. -j
YES!! *jumps about* congrats dude! *sniles* now answer this riddle.... was I right or wrong? -n
Wrong. -Jake
I told u that u still love Kali! -n
fine! you were right!
*laughs* mmhm! I'm so happy for u! *hugs u*
*hugs you* you sure? -j
I'm 100% positive! Jake as your best friend I'm promise I will support you with every decision u make...unless it to do with clowns or rocks then I'm out! *laughs*
thanks Nya! I'm glad you're ok with this!
of course I am! *smiles* now *sits back at computer*
whatcha working on?
*comes over* hey Nya hey jake *smiles sadly* -t
this *plays recording tape but the voice is mumbling* I can't unscramble it and I think it may be a double code. this was sent to me SIX days ago!
what's wrong *hugs u* -c
Nya you need to sleep. now! -Jake
yeah Nya honey go to bed -Tori
nope! not sleeping! *yawns* I'm almost there *types in a code* YAS! *plays it and the voice is coded* oh this guy is good! or girl... ugh!
yeah if u wanna get her to sleep you gonna have to try better then that trust me the worst we have tried with her is know king her out...turns out her head is vulnerable so I was stopped -c
*rolls eyes* whatever you say coral! *laughs* -Jake
just depressed... as always! -Tori
*laughs* be happy !!!! try it! -c
*types away and plays te recording over and over again with head phones in*
fine I'll try!! I'd be happier if I could just talk to zach without him leaving! -t
believe me...we all would! *laughs* -c
*laughs* oh well! -t