Collage by _Lon-Chan_


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you want to start
Leilani:its not u its her she's late now her and my knifefu is going to play
tb super sorry I'm late
not u my friend
tb ok good sigh I thought I was late
no your fine phone rings
tb oh um tbs phone rings brb walks off and answers hello
hello Mia?
tb oh um hi mangle I'm busy right now
I'm at t-the door Leilani
tb gtg mangle bye walks off sigh she talks to much some
opens the door hi Mia 😏
tb walks over oh hey who are you
i-i'm her f-friend m-Mia
tb oh hi Mia
I'm to
h-hi to *bites lip*
smacks head I meant tb smiles
ok *smiles
hey what do you do ya know for fun
idk really my family doesn't want to do nothing fun.
aww hey I play my gator but sadly this is a dream so I don't have it right now
well... I like to play ⚽️
tb ok wanna play
well I guess