Shoutout to : trelawney (Colin) this is a collage for binkie his rabbit that passed away 😭🐰


Shoutout to : trelawney (Colin) this is a collage for binkie his rabbit that passed away 😭🐰

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oh! I’m soo sry, i didn’t see it
can u please send it to me again? tysm!
hello! just letting you know that you’re following a hate page! if you could unfollow and continue to spread the love it would be amazing!
awwe this is so sweet: I love it
omg this is soo cute! I love it
ROSSIEEE IM SO HAPPY YOU CAME TO ME💗💗💗I would absolutely love to become besties and aww you’re too sweet I love how much you’ve grown as a collager and your personality is better than all of my friends combined😂 AND WHAT I THOUGHT I WAS FOLLOWING YOU NONONONONONO I-I MISSED OUT ON SO MUCH IM SO SORRY😭BRUHHH BUT I WILL BE HAPPY TO JOIN YOU ON YOUR JOUNEY TO 1K FOLLOWERS AND ONE DAY, TO 3K AND EVEN MORE🤭
Oh Rosie, your way too kind. The email that I sent you was correct, I don’t know why you didn’t get it. How was camp? I wish it was awesome! I remember when I went to my 5th grade camp, it was great but I was also a little sad ‘cause I wasn’t put into the same cabin as them. About the feature thing, I don’t think there is a trick on getting featured, it’s just doing your best and being your style. You also have to take your time to make the collages. My friends and I have all been through this! btw, I would love to have collabs with u all the time! It’s sooo nice having a friend like you!
and also, if u can send me your email or anything I might be able to get at u!
no problem! but you can change the background shape
hi this is Becca:)) I cant be bothered to log back into my main 💀aww stahp it man you’re killing me with kindness🥺you are so incredibly beautiful and smart and talented and kind it’s actually quite extraordinary:o this world needs more people like you ngl😤
Aww thanks Rosie but I'm busy and don't have time for collabs sorry! I'm good I missed you tooo! How are you❤️❤️🥰🥰🥰
thanks so much bestie! this is so beautiful!
I’d love to collab! just let me know when your free!! 💗💖
hi Rosie // how’s everything? I’m done with the edits for the collab :) tell me what you think, and if there’s anything I have to change, just feel free to tell me ://
eeee // TYSM! your soooo nice Rosie! lets post it now!