Tap here
I’m getting anxiety about the fact that I was on the phone with my friend for 5 minutes when they told me they were gonna go call someone else, because of no reason. And knowing things from the past I’m scared that they are mad at me for somethin


Tap here I’m getting anxiety about the fact that I was on the phone with my friend for 5 minutes when they told me they were gonna go call someone else, because of no reason. And knowing things from the past I’m scared that they are mad at me for somethin

26 0
it cute me off but I finished with...
“So I’m posting too keep my mind off of it”
t h a n k s ! 🐋
t h i s i s b e a u t i f u l ! 💖
for anyone reading this, just know that I was I a moment of panic and overreacted. I called the person back an hour later and asked if everyone was ok, and if they were upset with me. They said no they were just worried about their friend since he wasn’t responding to their texts. Everything is fine. sorry for posting about it...
awww im sorry :/
what are these fonts?