Hey so I’m going to be making an uploading schedule I’m mostly going to be either posting every Friday and Saturday or every other Friday and Saturday I will be mostly posting inktober stuff on Saturday and Friday doodles/story/ what ever drawings I


|tap| Hey so I’m going to be making an uploading schedule I’m mostly going to be either posting every Friday and Saturday or every other Friday and Saturday I will be mostly posting inktober stuff on Saturday and Friday doodles/story/ what ever drawings I

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caption continued: have. I will try my best to keep this schedule but I can’t rlly promise anything. The only days I will mostly be posting out of schedule is on vacation days or if I feel like it
why am I doing an upload schedule well because I want to upload my art but I just don’t have the time I rlly want to get better with my grades in high school and study and stuff
recent is pending