Question of the day: What is the most adventurous thing you have ever done?
My answer: Staying with my teacher's family in Peru for a month
What about you?


πŸŽ€clickπŸŽ€ Question of the day: What is the most adventurous thing you have ever done? My answer: Staying with my teacher's family in Peru for a month What about you?

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tbhhh probably writing a letter to someone confessing my feelings for him. Afterwards we talked it out though and it was ok πŸ™ƒ he's nice
That's really sweet!πŸ™ŠπŸ’• I'm glad he didn't hurt your feelings, that is absolutely NO FUN (trust me)πŸ˜’
hey, i keep forgettng to to do this, but thank u so much for being my 1st follower!
how do you get so many likes on your collages whenever I try to make my collages no one likes any of them. And I think people just follow me because I follow them. whenever I go on some of the count all of their posts have at least 100 or 90 likes