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you okay lyds
March through the kingdom lined with glass. panels of silver and gold. doors of steel reinforced. all by the mighty king kneel. but I refuse. marching up through the gates. I demanded an audience. “close your mouth and hear me out” is what I told his people. “you have rights. so stand and fight. destroy this fake hero.”. the crowd roared and came to life and soon an army was by my side. the king was fled in fear. so a hunt we began in search of this man who controlled their life’s for years. hiding in a shack with some innocent peasants is where he chose to go. we set on fire our hearts desire and burned all but stone. after the flames went on their way we had a celebration. a new leader was chosen to lead these hope given people. I stood and shouted “freedom for all. for his rules will fall just like he did in the flames.” and every year since we’ve had a ball congratulating those brave men. who fought for our freedom despite their conditions. and in the end they win.
oh shoot that’s long
hehe whoop😅
happy June kids