I'm in loooveee😍                                 hey guys so i'm going to US and mabye some of my besties live near to where i'm going so commet its would be cool to meet one of my besties😝🆔


I'm in loooveee😍 hey guys so i'm going to US and mabye some of my besties live near to where i'm going so commet its would be cool to meet one of my besties😝🆔

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have fun here in the U.S 💖💖💖 if you're ok with me asking, what country do you live in?
I'm in Oshkosh Wisconsin
where r u going again? I think u told me but I don't remember lol
oh cool 💖💖💖 i'm in Michigan
Literally how my brain works. A bunch of blurry people and a beautiful Niall.